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Moise Palace Cres
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Moise Palace Cres

Political, economic and ecological systems, institutions and norms need to be redesigned for a meaningful transformation that is not only research-based, but also inherently democratic and participative. For the purpose of its activities, CAS has received a fully refurbished building – Palace Moise – on the Croatian island of Cres (with renovation financed from EU funds), which  serve as an operating center for all educational activities and various gatherings. The program and activities of the Moise Palace are designed by eminent international researchers and experts, such as Judith Butler, Etienne Balibar, Peter Eisenman, Wolfgang Merkel, Jonathan Wolff. The Center undoubtedly solidifies the position of the future Southeast European Institute within the region, drawing on the heritage of the Korčula philosophy school of former Yugoslavia.

The splendid isolation of MOISE offers a unique forum space for intellectual shift and collective creation that foster groundbreaking ideas and lead to actual change. MOISE aims at evolving into one of the most inspiring spaces for provoking dialogue and future-shaping thought in Europe.

A North Adriatic cultural monument of considerable historical, artistic and symbolic importance, the 500-year-old MOISE palace is located in the old town center of the City of Cres. Set against the pristine natural background of Cres Island, this monumental building is the largest patrician Renaissance city palace in Croatia.

MOISE is a p(a)lace of transformative encounters stimulating communities for archipelagic thinking, and for sharing a kitchen.


Shared Kitchen MOISE is an exquisite space blending food culture, sensations, flavors and the imaginaries of taste. Deeply integrated into the local cultural heritage of the Mediterranean and the island, a unique setting for gastronomic experience is created that cultivates ties and celebrates diversities of people and cultures.

European Forum Moise is powered by the Erste Foundation, a premier annual event drawing on the heritage of the Korčula school of former Yugoslavia. It brings together leading global thinkers and regional practitioners to confront and discomfort them while searching for the answers on the pressing social issues in the region and across Europe.

MOISE Fellowship Programme draws on and expands the successful fellowship initiative of CAS SEE. It gathers a pool of rigorously selected young scholars and senior fellows working towards impacting and advancing public discourses on democracy as well as socially relevant topics in the region and worldwide.

The Palace Core Programme represents a balanced blend of both academic and community activities:

I Research & Education

  • Fellowship residencies
  • Research programme (courses, conferences, workshops)
  • European Forum Moise
  • Regional School of Democracy
  • Moise Papers Journal
  • Study programmes, student cooperation and mobility
  • Residencies and artistic projects
  • Partner events (seminars, conferences)

II Community

  • Shared Kitchen
    • Creative Communities
    • Youth education
    • Community events
    • Cultural production & Creative incubation
    • Life-long learning
    • Vulnerable communities
  • Mediatheque