When talking about crisis of democracy and capturing the states in Southeast Europe, most often we mention: endemic corruption, partocracy, a captured institutions phenomenon, media control, and paralysis of parliamentarism.
However, in parallel with this trend – certainly largely as a response to it – we witness the emergence of new political organizing from bellow: protests and other self-organized civic initiatives that criticize the growing authoritarianism and disregarding democratic procedures. We present here the results of the comparative research as first systematic attempt to bring two strong waves of the citizens’ activism and engagement to the light in Serbia and Macedonia.
Thanks to the grant from Balkan Trust for Democracy and support from regional office of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe, we offer a contribution to closing the gap in understanding outburst, functioning and challenges of social movements in two paradigmatic countries in Western Balkans.
The project engaged significant number of academic representatives, whose efforts to bring movements closer to the institutions continues through three – year long project named Active Citizenship: Promoting and Advancing Innovative Democratic Practices in the Western Balkans, supported by European Union.
The summary of the study in English language can be found HERE.
Whole study in Serbia can be found HERE.
Can upbringing and education be in a state of conflict despite the fact that they are usually seen as intertwined, mutually adjusted and complementary? Why should we even pose this question? Why is it the case that even though we put so much effort into raising and educating our children, even though we reflect so carefully on how to educate them as professionals, we still have to search for better solutions and try to eliminate, ameliorate the selfish and self-indulgent practices that simply fail to teach our children, as well as adults, to be caring and full of understanding for the other, the different, the similar which can never be identical? Who am I similar to, who am I different from and whom do I recognize myself in?
The (im)possibility of dialogue, therefore, is not to be found in the simple succession of these processes, but in the dialectic that takes shape precisely within the proximities that we all establish in the course of education and upbringing. Understanding the gender dimension of these proximities will definitely lead us further in the direction that we should all be following.
Publication with recommendations for all actors in the educational process in Serbia was created within the project “Building and Strengthening Family-School Partnership”. This project is financially supported by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade www.norveska.org.rs.
Gender Upbringing and Education: (Im)possible Dialogue
Edited by Sanja Milutinović Bojanić, Jelena Ćeriman
The publication was produced within the project “Building and Strengthening Family-School Partnership”, financially supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade.
CELAP, in cooperation with Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, publishes Serbian Architectural Journal (SAJ).
CELAP, in cooperation with Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, publishes Serbian Architectural Journal (SAJ).
SAJ is an issue of architectural theory that responds to particular moment of architectural production in which its intellectual resources are temporarily on hold, in which philosophical innovation is lacking, and attempts to compensate for this lack are often ill-considered dismissals of the validity of philosophy altogether.
From “Gender Studies” to Gender IN Studies: Towards a Gender Inclusive Curriculum in Higher Education Edited by Laura.
From “Gender Studies” to Gender IN Studies: Towards a Gender Inclusive Curriculum in Higher Education
Edited by Laura Grünberg
ISBN 978-92-9069-197-6
This volume on gender in education makes a concrete and original contribution to “emotional literacy” and to the importance of awareness raising from the perspective of gender biases in higher education content, by moving from gender as a topic of study, towards the mainstreaming of gender and gender neutralizing within curricula across all disciplines.
The chapter on Serbia examines and analyzes the level of gender content inclusiveness in faculty curricula. The analysis is focused on the introduction of gender curricula at the Universities of Belgrade, Niš, and Novi Sad and data gathered from interviews with academics from the investigated departments, and also supplied by experts in the field of education, working in governmental institutions. The case study covers the Departments of Humanities and Social Sciences of mentioned Universities. Findings indicate that the process of gender content inclusion in Serbia faces numerous difficulties and obstacles, often generating disapproval within the academic community itself. Nonetheless, owing to the individual efforts and enthusiasm of those academics involved in women’s studies and in gender studies, university curricula in certain fields of studies such as Legal, Educational and Social Sciences are slowly, but steadily, undergoing revision while adapting their content to them, and the current of gender inclusiveness is on the rise.